We Will Help You Take Responsibility For Your Own Health


Healing - it's inside the value and purposes of life and living that the healing lives


In 2000, Judie moved to West Wales, and after continuing to practice there, was able to establish a Well Being clinic in 2005. She believes there are new and different ways to treat people nowadays, which offer a more comprehensive and better understanding of what might be causing each person’s individual ailment or dis-ease, using applied kiniesiology, colour and healing.

Any or all of the following can be a part of the session of personal health coaching and self help program:

  1. Evaluation of your physical state of health

  2. Colour symmetry - a system of rebalancing and recharging energy, depletions.

  3. Assessment and counsel regarding food allergies and supplements.

  4. Understanding stress factors.

  5. Healing through the aura and alleviation of pain.

  6. Understanding and the releasing of emotional blockages.

  7. Help to create space for your unique personal journey.

As part of the Well Being Sciences TM, which is an international non profit organisation, Judie also operates a Well Being Health Education which offers unique ways to help live and work in theses changing times, currently falling into four main areas below;

Health Education

Preventive Health and Healing

Chronic Medical Problems

Acute Injuries